Should you wish to be invited to our next event,
please send us an email with your name and address.
kunst im klattendiek
Wolfgang Petzold
Gunhild Tuschen
Klattendiek 6
28359 Bremen
Responsible for the contents of this website are
Wolfgang Petzold and Gunhild Tuschen.
concept and design
Gunhild Tuschen
technical realisation
Guido Hache
Roland Buehs, Frollein Bu, Uli Mund, Wolfgang Petzold, Dett Peyskens,
Kathrin Schalk, Hermann Sturm, Gunhild Tuschen, Burchard Vossmann,
Birgit Wingrat
Hermann Sturm, Gunhild Tuschen, Nancy von Breska-Ficović,
Burchard Vossmann
Wolfgang Petzold, Gunhild Tuschen
Texts and pictures on this website are copyright protected.
Please don't copy without permission.